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Progress Plus.

At Nolan Interiors, we understand the profound impact that a well-designed office space can have on the productivity, well-being, and success of your employees. Our team of skilled office designers are dedicated to crafting luxurious, bespoke workplaces that not only enhance your company culture but also inspire your employees to achieve their full potential.


Improve your health, focus and productivity.

Product overview.

The world of office furniture has massively evolved over the last few years to become a vital part of any great office design. Rather than being an after thought, furniture is often now the pivotal piece of the puzzle that shapes the majority of interior projects.

With a push towards innovative, versatile and flexible working our furniture is designed to not only be effective for now – but as your business grows and evolves.

Product Specification.

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Embracing height adjustable workstations has been shown to

reduce risk of cardivascular disease by 73%.

Ready to start your project?
Our team of creatives are waiting to realise your vision. Fill in the form or contact us on 01724 231 274
High bench seating

Get your exclusive free design visual

Throughout the summer we are giving away 50 design visuals, completely free.


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